Prawn Seviche
Let us introduce you an amazing Ceviche con comarones or Prawn Seviche. It's really easy to cook, really healthy and has one of the brightest tastes ever. Seviche originated in the present-day Peru. It was usually white fish marinated in lime or lemon based mixture, with onions, chili peppers, salt and pepper. Shrimps, salmon,squid, octopus, scallops are also popular bases for modern seviche. You can even try it without fish or seafood, it won't be seviche but also delicious :)
By the way, the hot Ceviche marinade is called "leche de tigre" (Tiger's milk)
15 cooked prawns (if fresh - cook for 3 min in boiling water), 2 medium avocado, bunch of fresh coriander (cilantro), 4 medium tomatoes, hot chili sauce to taste Sriracha, Cholula, Tabasco (1tbsp in recipe), 1 red onion, 2 limes (or a lemon)
Nutrition per serving (calories/protein/fat/carbs)
100g: ----------